Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Car battery scheming against me

So today I get a call from the wife that her car is dead in the driveway with the tell-tale clicking sound...yes folks the battery was dead.  So after work I go and pick up an new battery 99.00 with a 5 dollar credit for returning the old battery.  drop it into place (After cursing up and down while loosening the nuts that hold the support bracket).  I don't know how they do it but without fail the socket that I need to loosen or tighten the nut seems to be missing from my toolbox.  Ok so as I am tightening the terminals down on the new posts it occurs to me that there seems to be the slightest bit of...who am I kidding the f'ing terminals just lift right off.  I swear it is a conspiracy that battery manufacturers dream up to mess with us.  I can hear them giggling now.."Hahaha we got another sucker..they fell for the smaller terminal trick".  I have to trek down to the nearest auto parts establishment and pick up a new terminal that will close tight enough to make a secure connection.  I finally get everything all connected and then I proceed to drop the socket somewhere in the lower portion of the car...there it shall stay  because I WILL NOT be retrieving it.  All this to make sure my dear wife Meg will be safe and not break down in the middle of the road with a loose battery connection.  I would do it all again because I love her that much.  Thanks for sharing in my fun for the day.